Weedon Island Preserve
1800 Weedon Island NE
St. Pete, Fl 33702

If you enjoy the outdoors and nature Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Nature History Center is perfect for your outdoor adventure! With 3,190 acres of aquatic and upland ecosystems to explore via marked trails or miles of tree tunnels to kayak, canoe or paddleboard through. Plus, they also have a nice indoor history center (with A/C) which holds for instance a 40ft canoe from 1100 years ago.

Weedon Island is home to numerous native plants, animals, both can be seen while hiking trails. A 45ft observation tower, 3 observation platforms overlooking the bay. 200 ft fishing pier. 2 miles of boardwalk and paved trails. 2.7 miles of natural trail loops. Guided hiking tours are offered and can be reserved on their website. Even if you are just simply looking for an amazing place to have a picnic, you will find it all at Weedon.

There is a 4-mile, self-guided paddling trail. Some of the areas showcase "tree tunnels" of mangroves to kayak/canoe/paddleboard through, this if not your typical trip! No, worries if you don't have your own kayak, canoe, or paddleboard, rentals are available on site. Your visit to Weedon Island is highly encouraged!